+386 (0)41 607 206

K24 trail | 24KM

The route is designed for novice trail runners, hikers, and also for the fastest mountain runners.

In the first part, the path follows the same route as the 100km trail and, of course, also goes approximately 6km through the Pece Underground, which is certainly a special feature and attraction of this route. The race starts at 3:00 p.m., usually at around 25 degrees Celsius, and after just 2 km of running, you need to turn on your headlamp and run 6km through the tunnel at 8 degrees Celsius. Once you cool down pleasantly underground, a significant ascent follows towards Tomaževa koča, which is also the highest point on the route.

From there, there is a fairly technical descent towards Mitnek and then a shorter ascent towards Pikov, where you will see a refreshment station and the church of St. Helena ahead of you. From Pikovo, the probably most beautiful part of the route follows along the ridge, where you can observe all the peaks of K24. This is followed by a fairly steep descent past the new attraction in Črna called Olimpline towards Črna. When you run through Pristava past the Nk Peca Stadium, you will already hear loud supporters from the start and finish area.


Mobile phone is mandatory equipment. The phone should be on silent mode, but make sure the battery is adequately charged.
Inspection of mandatory equipment can occur at the beginning or at any time during the competition. If the mandatory equipment is incomplete or the competitor does not show it, a penalty follows;
One hour for each missing piece of mandatory equipment.
The competitor can carry the equipment on themselves or have it stored in a backpack, bag. In case of adverse weather forecast, the organizer reserves the right to prescribe additional mandatory equipment, necessary for the safety of the runners, no later than one day before the competition.

- mandatory gear
- recommended gear
* - mandatory gear for slow runners
Equipment100 km50 km24 km
Start number – always
Watter bottle (camel bag,
soft flask, bottle,..)
Survival blanket
Firts aid (bandage, gauze,
Wind jacket
Mobile phone
Head lamp*
Running shoes
Sun protection
Energy food
Running poles


The start of the K24 24km race is on Saturday, August 9th, 2025, at 15.00.

The maximum number of participants on this route is 400.

Entry fee:

  • EARLY BIRD – 1. 11. 2024 – 31. 12. 2024  40€
  • REGULAR PRICE –  1. 1. 2025 – 31. 5. 2025  50€
  • LAST MINUTE – 1. 6. 2025 – 31. 7. 2025  60€

Elite runners:

UTMB Index > 600 – -50% on regular price
UTMB Index > 700 – free entry fee

UTMB Index > 700 – -50% on regular price
UTMB Index > 800 – free entry fee

Please let us know your Index by email: k24trail@gmail.com and we will send you the appropriate login code.

Registration is confirmed once the registration fee is paid and received by the organizer.Registrations will be considered in the order of received payments until the prescribed places are filled. Transition between categories is possible until July 31, 2025, with no refund of the difference in the registration fee. There is an additional charge of €10 for changing the route, changing the runner and any change in the starting fee.


Start numbers can be collected with a personal document:

  • August 7th, 2025, from 16.00 to 21.00
  • August 8th, 2025, from 10.00 to 21.00
  • August 9th, 2025, from 5.00 to 14.00


Start numbers will be collected at the starting area (Kulturni dom Črna na Koroškem). At the collection/registration, the registration form must also be signed. The registration form can only be signed by each competitor PERSONALLY. Mandatory equipment of the competitor is also checked upon registration.

The competitor must wear the start number attached to the upper part of the body over the clothes and it must always be visible. The number is necessary for picking up bags, transportation, meal after the race, and showering.


  • Each competitor competes at their own risk.
  • By paying the registration fee and signing the registration form, the competitor confirms that they agree to the terms of the announcement and that they compete at their own risk (for minors, the responsibility is assumed by parents or guardians who sign the registration form).
  • The signing of registration forms will take place when collecting starting numbers at the registration office on the day of the event.
  • Each competitor, by signing the registration form, agrees to be a participant in traffic and that in case of physical injuries and equipment or equipment theft before, during, and after the competition, they will not file any judicial or compensation claims against the organizer.
  • The competitor is solely responsible for all possible injuries and thefts mentioned.
  • The organizer does not assume any liability for compensation that may arise before, during, and after the competition.
  • Competitors must be in good physical condition.
  • All participants must have the prescribed mandatory equipment.
  • Mandatory equipment will be checked when collecting starting numbers and randomly before the start and along the route.
  • The competition will take place in all weather conditions, except for weather conditions where the safety of participants may be endangered.
  • In this case, the organizer of the event decides on the change of route or cancellation.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change the announcements, about which the participants will be informed in a timely manner.
  • Due to the difficulty of the competition, those under 18 years of age are not allowed to compete at the 100 km distance.
  • Due to the difficulty of the competition, those under 16 years of age are not allowed to compete at the 50 km distance, unless accompanied by parents or guardians who sign the registration form, assuming all responsibility for their participation in the competition.
  • The route will be well marked (ribbons, signs, flags, etc.).
  • Refreshment stations, medical service, and rescuers are provided on the route.
  • At key points, there will also be marshals (volunteers, firefighters) who will assist in directing runners and ensure their safety.
  • If the signs are significantly deficient or absent, report this to the nearest control point.
  • If you do not see any signs for more than 200 m, return to the last sign and review the options for continuing.
  • A competitor may voluntarily withdraw from the race at the control points.
  • They must immediately inform the organizer of their withdrawal (contact on the starting number).
  • The organizer is not responsible for the consequences caused by the competitor to themselves, fellow competitors, or third parties.
  • The organizer is not responsible for damage to running equipment.


Competitors agree that the organizer will use photographic and video material taken during the race for promotional purposes.


  • Disregarding the marked route and using shortcuts (checkpoints are marked and hidden on the route), the competitor must be recorded at all checkpoints.
  • Incomplete mandatory equipment (the organizer may check at any time during the race whether the competitor has all the mandatory equipment). The competitor must have and show the mandatory equipment.
  • If the competitor does not show the equipment, they will be disqualified. All competitors must stick to the marked route.
  • Any searching and use of shortcuts and running off the path will be punished with immediate disqualification. Accompanying a competitor on the route (pacemaker) is not allowed.
  • Littering on the course and near it – immediate disqualification.
  • Using shortcuts, using unmarked paths, arriving at a checkpoint or refreshment station from the wrong direction – at least 1 hour for each irregularity.
  • Using transportation during the race – disqualification.
  • Avoiding assistance to a fellow competitor in trouble – disqualification.
  • Insulting or threatening the organizer or volunteers – disqualification.
  • Continuing the path after the expiration of the time limit – disqualification.
  • Disqualification can be immediate or upon the determination of irregularities.


All complaints must be submitted within half an hour after the competitor arrives at the finish line in writing with a deposit of €50. The competition jury will decide on the complaint. The decision will be made as soon as possible. There is no appeal against the decision.

Complaints about irregularities on the route must be submitted in writing and with evidence (photographic material or at least three witnesses).


The competition jury consists of:

  • the head of the organizing committee of the event,
  • technical manager (route manager),
  • the head of the checkpoint or refreshment station concerned by the complaint,
  • anyone whom the competition manager considers competent in a particular dispute or complaint.


Participants who cannot attend the event due to health problems and have already paid the registration fee can request a partial refund of the registration fee via email K24trail@gmail.com:

  • 50% until May 31, 2025,
  • refund after June 1, 2025, is not possible regardless of the reason for non-participation,
  • registration fees are not refunded in other cases.


In the event of a cancellation of a race due to force majeure / emergency

The Organizer undertakes to reimburse the entry fee in case of prohibition/inability to perform the event due to emergency/force majeure as follows:

– Cancellation 4 months before the start 90% refund

– Cancellation up to 2 months before the event 70% refund and 20% discount next year

– Cancellation up to 14 days before the event 60% refund and 20% discount next year

– Cancellation less than 14 days before event date – no refund


  • food and drink at refreshment stations along the route, approximately every 10 km to 12 km,
  • starting package,
  • voucher for a hot meal at the finish,
  • finisher souvenir medal upon arrival at the finish line,
  • guaranteed medical and rescue service,
  • transport of competitors who drop out at the checkpoint to the finish area,
  • personalized starting number,
  • time measurement, intermediate times, and results, live tracking.


Awards are presented in three age categories and overall.

Categories men / women:

  • up to 35 years old,
  • from 36 to 50 years old,
  • from 51 and over

The top three men and the top three women in the overall category receive trophies and practical prizes.

The top three in each men’s / women’s category receive medals and practical prizes.



Saturday 9. 8. 2025 at 15.00 | Kulturni dom Črna na Koroškem


Kulturni dom Črna na Koroškem

Length and A+/D-

24 km / A+990m /D-990m

Time limit

6 hours

Refreshments Posts

2| Karavla, Pikovo

Registration fee

- payment from 1.11. 2024 - 31.12. 2024: 40€
- payment from 1.1. 2025 - 31.5. 2025: 50€

100 km

K24 trail

24 km

K24 trail

50 km

Mountain marathon